Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Risotto 101

Tuesday's Dinner:

Grilled Lemon Tarragon Chicken
Fresh Asparagus
Lemon Risotto

Risotto is not difficult, it needs time and some babysitting. Your first couple of times, don't try to do this if your grilling outside or folding laundry in another room.

First is the ratio:

1 part Arborio Rice
1/2 part white wine
4 parts chicken broth
(For four people that's one cup rice, 1/2 cup wine and four cups broth. )

Second is the method:

In a shallow pan heat some olive oil. Stir in rice and cook until opaque. Add wine, reduce heat and simmer until liquid evaporates. The broth should be brought to a gentle simmer and added 1/3 cup at a time, each time stirring until liquid has evaporated. It should be done slowly and takes 30 to 40 minutes.

Third is the seasoning:

1/4 C. lemon juice, plus the zest of one lemon.
1/4 C. Wine
1/4 C. Grated Parmesan *
1/4 Half and Half *
Salt and Pepper

Do you like how I'm already deviating from the method? I used lemon juice and wine for the first liquid. I followed with the broth. I finished by stirring in zest, cheese, cream, salt and pepper.
* I didn't really measure - this is my best guess.

It was perfect with the chicken and I just dressed the steamed asparagus with lemon and salt.

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