Friday, February 8, 2008

My Mom is a Big Cook

Another blog? I know, overly ambitious for someone who posts irregulary on her OTHER blog. Nevertheless, there are many times when a post I write is about something that happened at family dinner. I don't always want to interupt that tale to delineate the dinner details. So, if I do that over HERE, folks can come over to see what I'm doing if and when they choose.

Now as to the name of this blog, credit goes to Precious Youngest. When she was a wee lass, she used to thank me for cooking and would always add, "you're a big cook". She meant to say "good", but even after we got the language sorted out she continued to call me a "big cook".

With a tip of the hat to Precious Youngest, off we go!

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Oh goodie! Cooking lessons!